All I have today is an illustration for this story: “Trump flipped out on Biden ‘Gestapo’ in ‘profanity-laden’ speech before donors” by Hal Brown, MSW

Here’s the article from RawStory.

Here’s another artilce on the same topic from NBC News:

At a private donor event, Trump likens the Biden administration to the ‘Gestapo’

Trump referred to the Nazi secret police as he was railing against the legal troubles he and his supporters face

I don’t really need to elaborate on this. The illustration expresses my opinion. I will say that while there are many similarities between Trump and Hitler there are also differences. Trump is a preening narcissist and Hitler from what I’ve read wasn’t.

There are similarities and differences between Trumpism and Nazism as well, but this is a subject historians are better qualified to explain than I am. I am sure that experts could list many more similarities than differences between how Trump governed and how he says he’ll govern if reelected. I am equally certain that a historian’s list of similarities between how Biden has and would govern with Nazism wouldnt even need a sheet of paper since there are none.

Trump also called Biden the Manchurian candidate. The plot of the book and movie aside this has come to mean “a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional.” (Reference) I don’t have to make an illustration referencing this since there are numerous cartoons of Trump being Putin’s puppet (here).

Previous blogs, including the one from yesterday about how to jail Trump, are here.

You can see all of the comments I made to RawStory articles here.

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