Sadistic bully Trump doesn’t suttter but he still sti-sti-sti-sti-sti stinks on ice and when he gets off the ice the ice stinks, by Hal Brown, MSW

The topic of by blog gave me an excuse to publish a photo I took when I visted an old friend who I hadn’t seen since graduate school meeting at Pike Place Market in Seattle.

I learned the phrase “he stinks on ice and when he gets off the ice the ice stinks” from my father when I was a kid. To “stink on ice” isn’t in partiuclarly common usage:

To be exceptionally rotten, repulsive, or poor. From the idea of meat stinking with roteven when kept cold on ice.


I can’t find any reference the phase with my father’s embellishment. I don’t know if he made it up or heard it somewhere. Semantically it is a worthy addition to magnify just how bad someone who stinks on ice is.

You’ve probably heard Trump mocking President Biden’s stutter in his Saturday speech in Georgia. It is still being covered on MSNBC this morning:

Here’s an article about it: Trump slammed as ‘a small-minded bully’ for mocking Biden with ‘tuh-tuh-tuh-together’ stutter.


“Watching this new clip brought me back to my conversation with Biden five years ago. At the time, I asked him whether he thought Trump would one day nickname him ‘St-St-St-Stuttering Joe.’ If Trump were to go there, Biden told me, ‘it’ll just expose him for what he is,’” Hendrickson, whose book is also about his decades-long journey with stuttering, wrote. “He mocks Biden’s disability because he believes the voters will reward him for it — that there is more to be gained than lost by dehumanizing his rival and the millions of other Americans who stutter, or who go through life managing other disorders and disabilities. I would like to believe that more people are repulsed than entertained, and that Trump has made a grave miscalculation.”

Hendrickson argued Trump had so far “exercised a modicum of restraint around this topic” up until recently, arguing, “To paraphrase Michael Jordan, Republicans stutter too.”

Of course this isn’t the first time Trump has used someone’s disability to attack them. We all may not remember the name Serge Kovaleski but we remember this:

Trump will mock anyone for anything. He thinks the names he comes up to insult people are funny. Up until the State of The Union Address his favorite name for President Biden was “sleepy Joe.” This may have changed.

Consider that is reaction to the speech Biden is now angry and confused…

… and he also stutters at times which Trump wants everyone to think represents confusion. Although he says he’s confused I’m wondering why he didn’t say he was demented.

It’s possible he has some awareness, perhaps not consciously, of the peril of opening up the subject of dementia. After all more and more media coverage is being given to very real signs that Trump himself is demonstrating clinical indications of dementia while there are no signs whatsoever that this is true with Biden. Consider just three recent interviews with clinical psychologst John Gartner in Salon (click here and scroll down to read these articles):

Trump has a tendency to project his own negative behavior on others. One of the now classic examples is how he called Hillary Clinton a nasty woman and then smirking in satisfaction as if this was the ultimate put-down during their final dabate. This was in response to her talking about raising taxes on the wealthy including Trump, “assuming he can’t figure a way to get out of it.” I guess that hit too close to home for him considering what we know about how he’s broken the law to avoid paying his fair taxes. You can view the brief clip here.

Trump not only stinks at being a decent person, he is so repulsive that even if he was put on ice he’d still stink, and once he was off the ice the residual stink would persist.

No doubt if he marketed Trump Ice his cult would buy it. I suppose it could be used to make a new version of the dirty martini called the Trump stinky martini for those who like the taste of rotting fish.

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