Mama Maggie is a gift, by Hal Brown, MSW

Trump must regret ever allowing this photo to be taken.

New April 23rd: Maggie lives rent free in Trump’s brain:

This is what Maggie Haberman wrote today (subscription):

Maggie Haberman (bio) is a gift!

Trump has a unique relationship with her. He probaby reads what she writes so I assume that when he sees her describe him like this it really gets to him.

“Mr. Trump appeared haggard and rumpled, his gait off-center, his eyes blank.”

Here’s more from today’s Maggie Haberman NY Times article:

He is sitting in a decrepit courtroom that, for the second half of last week, was so cold his lead lawyer complained respectfully to the judge about it. Mr. Trump hugged his arms to his chest and told an aide, “It’s freezing.”

For the first few minutes of each day during jury selection, a small pool of still photographers was ushered into Part 59 on the 15th floor of the courthouse. Mr. Trump, obsessed with being seen as strong and being seen generally, prepared for them to rush in front of him by adjusting his suit jacket and contorting his face into a jut-jawed scowl. But, by day’s end on Friday, Mr. Trump appeared haggard and rumpled, his gait off-center, his eyes blank.

Mr. Trump has often seemed to fade into the background in a light wood-paneled room with harsh neon lighting and a perpetual smell of sour, coffee-laced breath wafting throughout.

His face has been visible to dozens of reporters watching in an overflow room on a large monitor with a closed-circuit camera trained on the defense table. He has whispered to his lawyer and poked him to get his attention, leafed through sheafs of paper and, at least twice, appeared to nod off during the morning session. (His aides have publicly denied he was dozing.) Nodding off is something that happens from time to time to various people in court proceedings, including jurors, but it conveys, for Mr. Trump, the kind of public vulnerability he has rigorously tried to avoid.

For some reason the 50 year old Pulitzer Prize winning mother of three also seems to be a mother figure to Donald Trump. In therapy we call this transference. This happens when the patient experiences negative or positive feelings towards the therapist as if they were a parent often based on their childhood relationship with a parent.

He seems to feel betrayed by her. Consider:

Maggie Haberman: Trump “Made A Pretty Specific Stare At Me” Because I Reported He Fell Asleep In Court

Kaitin COLLINS on CNN: And you were — so you were actually in the room for that.

At one point, the pool said that he was glaring at you, for several seconds. You had reported shortly before that, during a break that he appeared to be falling asleep, at one point, as the proceedings were getting kind of tedious. Did you notice that?

HABERMAN: Yes. I mean, yes, I noticed it. He made a pretty specific stare at me and, and walked out of the room.

As far as I can tell Maggie Haberman is the only journalist Trump has this relationship with. It is fortunate that we have her reporting about her courtroom observations of Trump. It is a bonus that it is likely that Trump is reading what she writes.

In closing:

One response to “Mama Maggie is a gift, by Hal Brown, MSW”

  1. I hear the train a-comin’, it’s rolling ’round the bend
    And I ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when
    I’m stuck in Folsom prison, and time keeps draggin’ on
    But that train keeps a-rollin’ on down to San Antone

    Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash

    Do you hear a train coming for him? Have we finally isolated him? Are we going to be able to insulate ourselves? Both he and we will probably need medication, or therapy for a very, very long time. Real war leaves enough destruction that people can look at, sift through, feel terrible about and collectively agree that they have to cooperate and rebuild. Psy Ops strategy leaves no such pile of detritus and rubble. It leaves a depressed, hollowed-out soul, a different kind of virtual loss, a sense of foreboding and an unrequited burning anger.

    We’ll see if “placement” ever happens. I suggest that it will not. I suggest that his money train, and the pile of cash it was delivering will dry up, and that the lawyers will do what they often do – tear every last bit of flesh from the bones, and suck the marrow dry, leaving his great fortune’s bones to bake in the hot sun of failure.

    He could have avoided all of this.

    A simple phrase would have accomplished it all.

    If he had simply said, on January 7th, or at any time after,

    “Congratulations Joe, you are our next president, I’ll see you again in 2024!”

    None of this would have happened. It would have all gone away. He chose to engage in a fight instead. He chose to attack, and this is what comes of it.


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