Is Bill Barr certifiably insane or suffering from dementia like Donald Trump, or both? by Hal Brown, MSW

By now no doubt you’ve seen this story on TV or read articles like this:

Barr said:

“I think the real danger to the country — the real danger to democracy, as I say — is the progressive agenda. Trump may be playing Russian roulette, but a continuation of the Biden administration is national suicide in my opinion.”

I’d like to hold Barr’s feet to the fire and demand that he explain in detail how the “progressive agenda” is a danger to democracy. I assume he’s referring to traditional progressivism which includes a social safety net, government regulation meant to protect the public, assuring civil rights for everyone, fair taxes, everything currently defined as being woke, and others issues. I’d want to drill down into his answers to force him to detail how whatever he thinks that the so-call dangers are could be worse than the dangers a Trump presidency would pose to democracy. I’d want to ask him how he thinks the two most progressive presidents, FDR and LBJ, destroyed democracy.

Putting aside the fact that Trump has demonstrated that he will demolish democracy if he’s reelected, he has also shown to objective expert observers that he’s in the early stages of dementia, possble moving toward the middle stages of this disease, an illness that always gets worse.

On Google News look up Trump dementia.

Full disclosure, this is me.

Barr has said Trump is a consumate narcissist but now says that “Trump needs people around him who will push back and help keep him on the straight and narrow” as if he believes that a reelected Trump would even allow people in his inner circle who would dare to do this. Add to this that a newly empowered Trump will be moving towards becoming more and more demented any sensiblle person has to ask what the hell is wrong with Bill Barr.

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