Judge Cannon’s husband’s work for mobsters who were associated with Trump is a story not covered by mainstream media. Perhaps it should be. By Hal Brown, MSW

Wikipedia: About Crooks and Liars.

I came across the article about Judge Ailleen Cannon from Croock and Liars (here) when out of curiosity I wondered if there were any other photos of the judge in addtion to the two so frequently published. I found the two above in an article (here) about her wedding.

I won’t summarize the article about Josh Lorence and his alleged mob connections except to include this excerpt:

“Welcome to the American judicial system. You know?”

Can we start connecting some dots here? What if Aileen Cannon was put on the bench for a specific reason — namely, her husband’s mob connections? In what planet should this woman even be a federal judge? I know: Planet Florida!

Here’s an article about the mobsters he worked for and their connection to Trump.

The has been substantial reporting about Trump and his mob connections in the past. Consider this from 2020 in Politico: “Just What Were Donald Trump’s Ties to the Mob?” It is by David Cay Johnson.

The long artilce begins:

In his signature book, The Art of the Deal, Donald Trump boasted that when he wanted to build a casino in Atlantic City, he persuaded the state attorney general to limit the investigation of his background to six months. Most potential owners were scrutinized for more than a year. Trump argued that he was “clean as a whistle”—young enough that he hadn’t had time to get into any sort of trouble. He got the sped-up background check, and eventually got the casino license.

But Trump was not clean as a whistle. Beginning three years earlier, he’d hired mobbed-up firms to erect Trump Tower and his Trump Plaza apartment building in Manhattan, including buying ostensibly overpriced concrete from a company controlled by mafia chieftains Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno and Paul Castellano. That story eventually came out in a federal investigation, which also concluded that in a construction industry saturated with mob influence, the Trump Plaza apartment building most likely benefited from connections to racketeering. Trump also failed to disclose that he was under investigation by a grand jury directed by the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, who wanted to learn how Trump obtained an option to buy the Penn Central railroad yards on the West Side of Manhattan.

Why did Trump get his casino license anyway? Why didn’t investigators look any harder? And how deep did his connections to criminals really go?

We don’t know why Judge Cannon is doing everything she can to make sure the documents case doesn’t go to court before the election. It has been surmised that this was because Trump appointed her and she wants to curry favor with him for whatever reason. Now we learn there may be more nefarious reasons.

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