Trump, who no doubt thinks he’s a better lawyer than Perry Mason, should heed Abraham Lincoln’s advice, by Hal Brown, MSW

One might think that a sensible lawyer would admonish Trump not to go on rants about how evil the judge is and how he’s being persecuted everytime he faces cameras at the courthouse. Instead, he might consider simply saying that he’s innocent and is confident that sensible jurors will acquit him of all charges.

Instead, he thinks he knows what’s best and essentially is acting as his own lawyer. He probably thinks he’s a real life Perry Mason.

Trump has compared himslef to Abraham Lincoln:” Donald Trump Comparing Himself to Abraham Lincoln Doesn’t Go Down Well” in Newsweek for example.

Since he thinks he’s so much like Lincoln he should remember this:

If Trump’s lawyers want to risk his ire they’d tell him to restrain himself and when he felt the impulse to go on a rage fueled rant (which we know is related to his growing anxiety) he should put a cork in it.

His lawyers, again if they dare, should remind him that while his scowling and scoffing, and apparently nodding off, during jury selection will make the news and may help him in his quest to have people donate to him, when there is a real jury there they will likely react negatively to this. He could even turn the one or two jurors inclined to acquit him, which would result in a hung jury.

Any good lawyer or jury consultant in a trial with such high stakes would work with the defendant to make sure they come across as innocent and sympathetic, and especially likable, as possible.

In fact, I’d consider having a jury fashion consultant like the character Chunk on the TV series Bull have him wear softer colors and especially change the color of his tie from red to anything else.

The color of passion and energy. Red draws attention like no other color and radiates a strong and powerful energy that motivates us to take action. It is also linked to sexuality and stimulates deep and intimate passion. Red is ubiquitously used to warn and signal caution and danger. From

I’d probably go with blue:

The color of trust and loyalty. Blue has a calming and relaxing effect on our psyche, that gives us peace and makes us feel confident and secure. It dislikes confrontation and too much attention, but it is an honest, reliable and responsible color and you can always count on its support.

April 20th Update: He already may have been told to soften the colors he wears (note the double meaning of the chyron):

A fashion jury consultant might even urge him to wear a tan suit which would make the news because of the uproar when President Obama wore one (see Wikipedia):

 August 28, 2014; Obama meeting with John F. Tefft, U.S. Ambassador to Russia, in the Oval Office

Unless Trump has an epiphany and sees the handwriting on the wall and starts to listen to his legal team he will remain the client from Hell.

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