CNN’s Daniel Dale dares. He is live fact checking the debate live on X which will no doubt reveal how brainwashed Trump cultists are. They’re already calling the him a liar. By Hal Brown, MSW

Rawstory has this article online today.

They show Stephen Miller because he wrote “CNN pledges to ‘fact check’ Trump all night — i.e. lie, smear and spin for Biden.”

The CNN eporter that will be do the fact checking live on X is Daniel Dale. This is his X page with the top tweet currently about his cat.

As you see above the last time he tweeted was Sept. of 2023. The reason for the references to Canada is that (as Wikipedia tells us) Daniel Dale “is a Canadian journalist known for rebutting a large number of false claims made by United States PresidentDonald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign and presidency. Dale credits an encounter with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford while covering the mayor and his brother Doug for the Toronto Star as the inspiration for developing his brand of adversarial journalism.”

I tweeted my reply (top of page) to him. Almost all of the replies on his X tweet announcing this are very positive. RawStory found these negative ones:

One user, @socratic_badger, asked, “Does anyone actually still believe fact-checkers are unbiased?”

@sooo_nance wrote, “No one cares about fact checks.”

@Gigi12341983135 said, “Make sure you fact check Biden and his lies,” despite the fact that Dale never specified he was only fact checking one contestant.

@Lynnrx52 wrote, “Your fact checking needs fact checked. You really shouldn’t.”

This prompted Rep. Jim Jordan to weigh in:

I also found these tweets attacking Dale:

This was posted by this X user:

For Daniel Dale’s sake I hope he has help in this ambitious endeavor. He will need at least two computers, one to post his fact check tweets on X and the other to quickly look things up to find factual facts. Merely tweeting that he knows something is a lie won’t cut the mustard with Trump supporters when he lies. He will have to do what Politifact and Snopes does when they publish sources to justify their conclusions.

For example:

I will be watching the debate on MSNBC though I may check to see if CNN is putting Dale’s fact checks on the bottom of the screen. I don’t think they should do this as it will give Trump and his supporters something else to rage about in addtion to the questions asked by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash who Trump’s says are Trump haters.

I’m not planning to see how Fox News spins the debate when it’s over. There’s so much right-wing bullshit I can take. I will watch the MSNBC post debate discussion. What I may do periodically during the debate is look at Dale’s X fact checks mostly to see how many Trump trolls he attracts. The more he gets the better as it will show at least that he has had an impact with some Trumpers. There’s no way to reach the anyone in the Trump cult if they ignore you.

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