Emperor Trump would relish the role of ruling on the life or death of migrants in his proposed ultimate fighting league. By Hal Brown, MSW

I put togethet the above images. This is what you get when you ask an AI program to draw Trump as a gladiator:

Chauncey DeVega wrote in his column “A UFC takeover: Donald Trump’s dreams of a migrant fighting league are no joke” that presidential candidate who said he’d only be a dictator on day one “is actively mobilizing the UFC fan base to support his second attempt to dismantle our democratic system. Trump said “I have an idea. Why don’t you set up a migrant league of fighters and have your regular league of fighters. And then you have the champion of your league – these are the greatest fighters in the world – fight the champion of the migrants. I think the migrants’ guy might win, that’s how tough they are.” He notes that Trump added that “migrants” are “nasty, mean” and “tough people.”

Trump’s dreams of a migrant fighting league are one more example of how he knows what his followers want and how to titillate the darkest and most cruel parts of their minds and souls. Chauncey DeVega

DeVega’s column includes this excerpt from an article in The Hill Trump, UFC and the new conservative culture war:

Donald Trump’s first public appearance after his recent felony conviction wasn’t a campaign rally or political fundraiser. It was an Ultimate Fighting Championship event. Earlier this month, the raucous, mostly male crowd gave the former president a hero’s welcome as he walked into the arena to the song “American Bad Ass” by Kid Rock (watch YouTube here). Then, they took up an anti-Biden chant. The choice of venue won’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention to conservative masculinity lately. For Trump, a professional fight is a political space, and his appearance there is a strategic choice….

DeVega concludes his column this way (my emphasis):

Donald Trump, like the other fascist and fake populist demagogues who are imperiling democracy around the world, is an expert at manipulating human emotions. The American mainstream media and political class have largely been unable to stop such forces because they are fixed on normal politics and institutions, and have a vision of political reality that no longer holds true. Trump’s dreams of a migrant fighting league are one more example of how he knows what his followers want and how to titillate the darkest and most cruel parts of their minds and souls. By comparison, the mainstream news media and political class insist on focusing on polls, votes, the debates, and the horserace when Trump and the other neofascists and enemies of democracies are winning hearts and minds. On Election Day in November, the future of the country will be largely decided by whose message is more persuasive and compelling.

Let’s not forget this story:


Asked about firing squads and other execution methods, the spokesman refers Rolling Stoneto lines from Trump’s 2024 campaign announcement. “Every drug dealer during his or her life, on average, will kill 500 people with the drugs they sell, not to mention the destruction of families. We’re going to be asking everyone who sells drugs, gets caught selling drugs, to receive the death penalty for their pain.”

At an October rally — to cheers and applause from his audience — Trump pitched a form of supposed justice that has been embraced by some brutal dictatorships. “And if [the drug dealer is] guilty, they get executed, and they send the bullet to the family and they want the family to pay for the cost of the bullet,” Trump said at the rally. “If you want to stop the drug epidemic in this country, you better do that … [even if] it doesn’t sound nice.”

“He had a particular affinity for the firing squad, because it seemed more dramatic, rather than how we do it, putting a syringe in people and putting them to sleep,” the former White House official adds. “He was big on the idea of executing large numbers of drug dealers and drug lords because he’d say, ‘These people don’t care about anything,’ and that they run their drug empire and their deals from prison anyways, and then they get back out on the street, get all their money again, and keep committing crimes … and therefore, they need to be eradicated, not jailed.”

Trump has suggested that migrants are rapists and drug dealers and I can see him saying to people like Stephen Miller “the only good migrant is a dead migrant” and muse over having them in fight to the death cage matches with the surviving winner going on to fight the White UFC champion. I can see Trump as the taking on the role of a Roman emperor deciding whether the victorious great White hope who is holding the migrant fighter who is writhing in agony in a strangle hold shows mercy or snuffs the life out of him.

Trump is a sadist who enjoys seeing people inflict pain on each other and lusts for the power to decide who inflicts pain on whom. He’s a lilly-livered bully who wouldn’t dare put himself at real risk in any kind of physical confrontation where he could be hurt. Grabbing women bythe private parts is his modus operandi.

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