Ten Commandments touting Trump given nickname by HuffPost: Dengenerate Don, and this glove fits. By Hal Brown, MSW

The article (link here) doesn’t include the word “degenerate” presumably because the editors thought the choice of the word didn’t need an explanation.

Above is O.J. Simpson trying on the famous gloves about which Simpson’s defense attorney Johnnie Cochran said “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit” because the gloves worn by the killer of Niclole Brown Simpson wore apparently didn’t fit the accused. If the decription of Trump as a degenrate was a glove there is no doubt in my mind that it would fit. (It was never emphasized by the proescution that Simpson could have worn overly tight gloves when he killed Nicole.)

This article from Politico Magazine reminds us why the term degenetrate is appropriate. Of course I added Moses below:


[Trump’s lawyers] wanted to say the other day that it was “he said, she said.” It wasn’t “he said, she said.” It was “he said” versus “she said, she said, she said, she said.” So there has been an enormous outcry of appreciation from mostly women for what E. Jean has done.

The Politico article is mostly about legal aspects of the case, but here are more excerpts which show what a degenerate Trump is:

It was very hard for her to use the word “rape.” It was very hard for her to acknowledge that she’d been hurt by it. And it was really during the case itself — like somewhere in her head — she knew that she’d been unable to date any man since what happened, but she had a really hard time acknowledging the link.

And just so people understand: The reason for the link is — and this is a classic response to trauma — she believed that she was at fault for when she ran into Trump at the store for kind of having this jocular, kind of flirty conversation together, which they were, for sure, until he pushed her into the dressing room. And she blamed herself and thought that was a stupid thing to do. And as a result, since the assault, she had been unable to flirt with a man who was eligible because that had gotten her into such trouble.

And then, of course, there’s this:

Gov. Jeff Landy gave a gift to Donald Trump. Now Trump can run as The Ten Commandment in the schools choice and the candidate of a new main man, Moses, another version of being the chosen candidate of God and Jesus. Perhaps he’d think this could prompt more Jews to vote for him.

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Perhaps Gov. Jeff Landry wants to be the last minute choice to run as his vice president. It took a New York minute for Trump to jump on the 10 Commandments in schools bandwagon.

I can see the impulsive Trump deciding to surprise everyone, almost everyone since I wouldn’t be surprise, to chose Landry to run as his vice presidential running mate. After all, he has become a national star of the Evangelicals almost overnight. He has demonstrated Trumpian in-you-face audacity.

This story is all over the news. For example on MSNBC this morning:

Trump is now saying how wonderful the 10 Commandments are and how much he believes in them. I very much doubt that he could discuss in any depth how the actual commandments enumerated in the Bible are relevant to living an ethical and moral life today. Consider this description of the 10 Commandments from observing the sabbath to not stealing, to not committing adultry to not coveting your neighbor’s wife or servant:

It would be a frigid day in Hell that Trump would be able to cricically analyze the 10 Commandments the way this website does.

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