Gays for Trump, and there’s somehing wrong with that, by Hal Brown, MSW

The artilce about Trump saying he’d reverse protections for LGBTQ kids is from Truthout here. I’ve also read that he has vowed to withhold federal funds from schools which teach about LQBTQ matters. There are too many articles to list and link to here about Trump anti-LGBTQ positions. This is a Google search.

The photo above is cropped from the New York Times article shown below:

If you don’t subscribe to The NY Times RawStory summarizes the article here.

I am not gay. For that matter, I’m not Black or Latino either.

We’ve seen lots of t-shirts and signs at Trump rallys though I’ve yet to see this:

I am a White Jewish former New Yorker who now lives in a retirement community in progressive Portland, Oregon.

When I first saw the photo of the gays for Trump guys I thought I’d send it to my gay friend who I’ve known since college. He lives in the mostly liberal Atlanta area where if he ventured into the countryside I am not sure he could get away with walking into a good-old-boy bar wearing that t-shirt and still not having the shit beat out of him despite the fact he’s an 80+ year old like I am.

“Gays for Trump” has a website (here).

This is not the same organization as the Log Cabin Republicans which was founded in 1977 (reference) which as far as I can tell hasn’t come out supporting Trump even though Melania Trump address them at a fundraiser in April. Gays for Trump was founded in 2017 by Peter Boykin (reference) with the purpose of supporting Trump.

What has emerged during the Trump era is a small subset of people among various groups from Blacks, Latinos, and members of the LGBTQ but mostly gay community, to the much, much larger group of women and blue collar workers who want to elect a present who never repesented them and whose policies have hurt them.

If they truly informed themselves and voted in their actual self-interest they would never vote for Trump. Trump has managed to convince many of them that their self-interest was to protect them from (as he is putting it now) the mental patients and terrorists Biden is allowing to enter the country.

There’s one person who would benefit from the reelection of Donald Trump and he’s not even allow to vote in the United States.

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