Trump just gave a gift to Joe Scarborough who, like Maggie Haberman and George Conway, lives rent free in his brain. By Hal Brown, MSW

Trump doesn’t realize or doesn’t care that when he attacks well known critics he gives them publicity and announces to the public that he follows what they say about him. He is indicating that he actually cares abut what they think of him. He may just not be able to restrain himself. If he was rational he’d just ignore the attacks. Not being rational is, dare I bore you to tears by bringing it up again, is a sign of being mental unstable.

The fable of the scorpion and the frog has been used frequently to describe Trump’s self-defeating behavior. This is another example. He just can’t help himself. He can’t resist the urge. It’s in his character.

With Trump and others who act in such self-defeating way I see the frog as the rational part of themselves and the scorpion and the irrational, ingrained, and impulsive part of themself. When they sting the frog that can get them across the river they are stinging and dooming themself.

One hopes he stings the frog-self one time too many and both he and the unfortunate frog-self sink to the bottom of the river never to surface again.

Here’s the most recent exampe:


In a Truth Social Memorial Day message, Trump reposted a video from an Instagram account called “dannyboyhustlehard,” which was also shared by Laura Loomer.

“I can’t wait for uncle Donnie to win,” the protester tells Scarborough. “I can’t wait. He’ll get rid of all you f***ing liberals.”

“He’s your uncle?” Scarborough asks.

“You liberals are gone when he f***ing wins. You f***ing blowjob liberals are done. Uncle Donnie’s gonna take this election landslide cuz,” the protester continues. “Landslide, you f***ing, half a blowjob. Landslide. Get the f*** out of here, you scumbag.”

You can watch and listen to the video at the link. It shows someone yelling the obscenities at Joe Scarborough while he’s walking in a parking garage.

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