The MAGA hate list. So much to hate, so little time. By Hal Brown, MSW

On the list I obviously left some off, and I put “Hispanics (Mexicans)” because these cultists don’t realize that the majority of immigrants aren’t from Mexico. As of Sunday it is satifying to see that the NFL has also made their hate list.

Where do the MAGA cultists find the time to hate so many groups of people and individuals? If they pay attention to what’s reported on and discussed on Fox News they must be consumed with hate. Not only hate, but fear that Trump will lose the election and the groups they hate will control their country and and take away their God given rights.

I tried to think of what and who a typical MAGA cultist would put on their hate list in the order I thought of them when I wrote my list (above) but of course depending on who they are MAGA cultists would put them in a different order of how much they’e hated. The list would change over time often depending on who Trump is demonizing. For example, awhile back Anthony Fauci would have made the list. More recently, Chris Christie would be there.

The MAGA cult is fueled by hate.

This is simply not healthy. Hate consumes people. Added to fear it is a toxic mix that leads to psychological and physical breakdowns and to people behaving in irrational and often self-destructive ways.

The obvious example of MAGA cult hate and fear generated behavior being self-destructive is the J6 insurrection. Trump poured the gasoline of hate and fear onto the crowd that listened to him as he exorted them to march on the US Capitol and now many of them are in prison.

Some of them are still so indoctrinated that they have joined a literal choir and made a record (see Wikipedia here).

As the Beatles said, all you need is love, love is all you need (watch video). This was recorded in 1967 during what was dubbed The Summer of Love when the country was probably as divided as it is now because of the Vietnam War.

Click above for video.

Read previous blogs here.

Update Feb. 14, below (link) justifies why I put Adam Schiff on the hate list when I wrote this blog yesterday.

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