Steve Bannon may know that there is a huge risk that Trump will go off the rails in the debate and is looking for any excuse, no matter how far fetched, for him to back out. By Hal Brown, MSW

This was revealed in this RawStory article today They cut off my microphone’: Trump spokesperson runs to Steve Bannon after CNN cuts her.

The article begins

Karoline Leavitt, the national spokesperson for the Trump 2024 campaign, showed up on Steve Bannon’s War Room program Monday just hours after CNN abruptly ended her interview for insulting the network’s debate moderators.

“And why are we in Atlanta, ma’am, with CNN, who controls the microphone on Thursday?” Bannon asked about the upcoming debate.

It concludes with Bannon’s suggestion:

“CNN owes you an apology today,” Bannon told Leavitt. “And if we don’t get that apology to Karoline Leavitt and to the Trump campaign and to MAGA today, President Trump should cancel this.”

Here’s another article about the incident: ‘Pathetic!’ MAGA reacts with fury to CNN’s cutting off Trump spokesperson’s angry rant.

Considering that there’s no way CNN is going to issue an apology for one of their hosts refusing to allow a guest to attack Jake Tapper, a CNN host who will be one of the moderators for the first debate, if Trump wants to heed Bannon’s advice he has a reason to back out of the debate.

Bannon may have seen Trump at his worst, perhaps in the evening when he is sundowning with dementia. If so he knows that there is a huge risk that his cognitive problems will be so evident during the debate that they will be extremely difficult to convince Trump leaning but still undecided voters that the shark-electric boat type references and even more recently his going off on a rambling incoherent tangent about hair washing (see ‘Off his rocker’: Morning Joe mocks Trump rant that was so ‘crazy’ Fox News cut away) are just Trump being Trump. Is Trump play acting the joker and the buffoon spewing disconnected often self-agrandizing stories like “my uncle was a genuis at MIT and I’ve got his genes” or can’t he help himself?

If he can’t help himself this is a strong indication he suffers from early dementia. He doesn’t consciously know he’s suffering from this debilitating irreversible disorder, but at some level may sense it which is why he attacks President Biden for being senile.

This is from Morning Joe:

National affairs analyst John Heilemann brought up a speech from last weekend, when Trump babbled about electric boat batteries and shark attacks.

“When Fox News thinks there is too much lather going on with Donald Trump and they are, like, too much lather, he likes to lather, a lot of lather,” Heilemnann said. “That is how you know that he has jumped – you mentioned sharks there, I think I heard you. I don’t think he talked about sharks in this event, but he has metaphorically jumped the shark.”

Even if Bannon hasn’t been with Trump in recent days it’s likely he has seen his rallies. If he doesn’t know anything about sundowning in dementia he may have concluded that the rules for the debate will not work to Trump’s advantage, and in fact, may make him more likely to go off the rails like a train on a broken bridge which plunges into a river of no return.

Watch the Lone Ranger video these photos are from.

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