Compassion doesn’t count ballots: Biden does the moral thing on immigration and it will hurt him with many voters. All Trump needs now is his own Willie Horton. By Hal Brown, MSW

In the news today a top story (read article) is that President Biden has once again demonstrated that he has a heart and good sense when it comes to the plight of immigrants who are already living in the United States.

This is Trump’s not unexpected reaction:

Of. course what would anyone expect from the president who suggested shooting migrants in the legs and putting alligators in the Rio Grande? There’s also this reaction from Stephen Miller, the architect of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” family separation policy that ripped minor infants and children not only from their parents but even separated them from their own siblings, was outraged.

Polls tell us what we already know:

More than half of Hispanic voters support mass deportation. These are people who are fortunate enough to be citizens and half of them have no compassion for other Hispanics who want what they already have. While 30% of them aren’t religious 70% are, and many of them are Catholic (Pew Research article). So much for following the teachings of Jesus.

Hispanic or not, religious or not, these people want to have armed agents round ’em up, line ’em up, march ’em to a bus, and fly ’em outta here.

It is unfortunate that MSNBC decided to show a man in handcuffs with a tatoo on his wrist. For all anybody knows this is a gang tatoo. Way to go liberal MSNBC, do the MAGA job for us.

They could have used a photo like this:

I am sure that Trump and his minions are hoping to find their own version of Willie Horton in an undocumented (read that as illegal) immigrant who commits a horrendous crime. Read article.

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