Trump wants SCOTUS immunity and for Mike Johnson to overturn the verdict in what we should call the Stormy Daniels Super Mario Kart Mushroom trial, by Hal Brown, MSW

Trump wants the NYC trial to just go away…. as if the Supreme Court or the US House of Representatives can zap it out of the memories of those who paid attention to it.

I wonder if Trump ever saw the article shown above from Business Insider. I hope he did. After all the “star” of “The Apprentice” believes that he’s the consumate businessman. Here’s an excerpt fro the article which goes on into more graphic detail:

The latest twist in the ongoing he said/she said between President Trump and Stephanie Clifford — aka “Stormy Daniels,” the pornographic film actress who allegedly had an affair with Trump years ago — involves a Super Mario side character.

Is nothing sacred? (The answer is no, nothing is sacred.)

I don’t think wearing Mario Cart Mushroom pins during the trial ever became a “thing” but I wish it had. They are available on ebay and elsewhere. For non-gamers, the character’s name is Toad.

Less visble than the red ties his loony legion wore to show their support when they attended his trial they would certainly have been noted by the press if people had worn to the trial.

I have no doubt that Trump would have been proud of his – whatever it was – with Stormy Daniels had she not then published her book, Full Disclosure, which had decidely unflattering descriptions of his “apparatus” and manly in his mind man prowess and then went over the incident in great detail when she testified in the trial.

It matters not that this – thing he did – was not what he was convicted of doing. If this was known as the “Michael Cohen cooking the books” or the “hush money” trial it wouldn’t have bothered him. The press isn’t calling it the “Stormy Daniels trial” but this is what it was in the mind of the public, and in Trump’s mind as well. The trial had two stars, Trump and Daniels, and Michael Cohen had a supprting role.

No doubt Trump is concerned about the latest polls: New Polling Shows the Real Fallout From the Trump Conviction…. but imagine the personal humiliation if he ends up losing the election because of what happened because he didn’t resist the urge to real-life play the already famous Nintendo game with Stormy Daniels.

Here’s a clip of Mario chasing Toad from the Super Mario movie. You’ll notice that in the final scene Mario has fallen down exhaustedf.

He may think that by some miracle the verdict is negated it will make it as if the trial never happened and Stormy Daniel’s didn’t do the mocking of his manly magnificance. The oposite would happen. In the event that the verdict was overturned either by the Supreme Court or the US House he would still be the president who was convicted and then unconvicted for what began with a perfectly legal “thing” he did with someone who happened to only be famous in an anciliary segment of the entertainment business. Nothing against Stormy Daniels who is an exceptional woman, but she isn’t a Marilyn Monroe who had a real affair with a president. She is like Monroe, who was raised in 12 foster homes and married at the age of 16, in that she also had a tough childhood and made something of herself. This is from the Slate review of her book:

Raised in squalor by a depressed, narcissistic, neglectful mother (her father never showed much interest in her and deserted the family when she was 5), she recalls overhearing adults write her off as “white trash” during her childhood in Baton Rouge. She resolved to prove them wrong by earning straight A’s and becoming the editor of her high school newspaper.

Marilyn Monroe’s affair with Kennedy had no effect on his presidency. Trump’s “thing” with Stormy may have a real effect on his reelection.

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