If you only see right-wing media you may think Biden wandered off to smell the roses at French event, by Hal Brown, MSW

This event is being depicted as proof that President Biden has lost his mental faculites. MSNBC viewers know the true story. He turned away for a a few seconds to walk towards some the the skydivers who were packing their gear behind him to give them the thumbs up. Videos of this were readily available.

MSNBC showed them:

You can see one of the parachutists looking directly at Biden as he gives them the thumbs-up.

This is the NY Post article:

While other kept watching the descending parachutists this photo in the NY Post makes it appear Biden is out of it…

In fact he has turned to engage with the parachutists who were already on the ground.

As I wrote yesterday (here), the real test as to who’s non compos mentis and who’s compos mentis will come in the first debate which will be held in the evening when if either of the candidates have dementia they will be morel likely to demonstrate symptoms of this because they are sundowning.

Perhaps at some level of self-awareness Trump knows this and will find a way to rationalized a poor perfoance in the debate. Consider this:

‘I’ll lose the debate on purpose’: Trump tries to lower expectations for Biden showdown in RawStory:

“They’re going to feed him a lot of stuff, and we should do a drug test,” he demanded. “I’d love to do a drug test beforehand.”

Trump is basically saying that if Biden does better than the doddering senile old man he wants to say he is this is because he is using brain enhancing drugs. Perhaps Trump believes the Prevagen commercials. (I wrote about Prevagen and how gullible people may believe it really works here.)

More from RawStory:

“If he makes it through, no matter what, how bad, no matter how bad he is, they’ll say he was great,” he continued. 

Trump said he did not want Biden removed from the Democratic ticket even though he polls better than other contenders.

“Well, you know, interestingly, they’ve done polling, and I do better against almost everybody,” he opined. “And so they don’t — they don’t want to take him off. It depends.”

“Maybe I’m better off losing the debate,” Trump added. “I’ll make sure he stays. I’ll lose the debate on purpose. Maybe I’ll do something like that.”

The first debate is must-see TV for me. I want to see whether I may have been engaging in wishful thinking when I interpreted Trump’s word salad speaking and how he interjects off-topic comments into his remarks, for example Hannibel Lector jokes and wondering about sharks and electric boats, as suggestive of his having early dementia.

Even today it is being reported that during Trump’s meeting with CEOs of major companies some of those in attendance were struck by how often he meandered onto unrelated sujects.

If Trump makes it through the debate with a few minor flubs, stays on topic, and manages to soft-pedal the fact that he aspires to turn the country into a dictatorship I will regretfully have to admit that this is rather compelling evidence he isn’t suffering from early dementia.


The implications in Prevagin ads which avoid verbotten claims that it could improve dementia symptoms, this is what the ads indirectly suggest. The product is a hoax. See article below.

Read yesterday’s blog here.

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Read on the Google Blogger platform HalBrown.org This version has a Disquis comment section.

One response to “If you only see right-wing media you may think Biden wandered off to smell the roses at French event, by Hal Brown, MSW”

  1. If you only read the Right Wing Media, y’ain’t listenin’ to Hal Brown! Howard H. Covitz, PhD ABPP NCPsyA Link for Zoom Meetings https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9322099432 Meeting ID: 932 209 9432

    Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Therapies and SupervisionLatham Parkway, Elkins Park, PAWalnut Street, Philadelphia, PA215-635-5368215-740-4825 hhcovitz@aol.com Please note that I cannot guarantee the security of private information that we exchange by email and I do not always check this email daily.  For these reasons, I kindly suggest we reserve any sensitive, detailed or urgent communications for telephone or in-person communication. Thank you.


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